Woodbine Avenue Telephone Poles - Early 20th Century
Overbrook Farms Neighborhood Listserv
You can sign up for the Neighborhood listserv through the form below.
A listserv is a database of private email addresses that are accessible as a group by sending a message to one email address (overbrookfarmsmclub [at] All addresses on the list receive your message. The private email addresses are not shared or revealed publicly, but participants will see your “from” address if you send a message.
If you wish to “reply all” to the a message sent to the group, make sure you reply to the general address above. Depending on your email program or browser, simply hitting “reply” may send to the whole list or to the individual who sent the original message. In some browsers, you will need to manually copy and paste the individual sender’s address when replying to avoid replying to the whole list, if your intention is to reply only to the original sender.
NOTE: Signing up for the listserv DOES NOT make you a Member of Overbrook Farms Club. Membership in our civic association is an entirely separate matter and mailing list. More information on Membership is found HERE. Our monthly Member Newsletters are only sent to Members, and not to the listserv.
Listserv User Policies
The opinions and information shared on the listserv are not those of the Overbrook Farms Club. The Club assumes no responsibility for information or opinions shared, and reserves the right to moderate the listserve and remove participants if they persistently do not follow the below guidelines. Currently there are three community monitors: Cynthia Kardon, Steve Rockwell, and John Taylor. Before removing anyone, the moderators will provide a warning email directly to the participant in question.
The listserv MAY NOT be used for:
Any statement or comment considered ableist, racist, identity- or gender-biased, politically or socially partisan, related to religion, individual values, or belief systems;
Comments, criticisms, profiles directed at or concerning any individual person.
The listerv MAY be used for the following:
Notices about public/community events, opportunities, items for sale, or things of general community interest;
Requests for publicly accessible data (contractor/vendor recommendations, things to do, etc.);
Other items/news that may be of broad public (not just personal) interest (i.e., the listserv is not FaceBook);
Notices about lost pets, keys, phones, etc.;
Notices concerning public safety matters in the neighborhood.
Concerning posts related to public safety, please keep any description to the following clinical data:
A= Age B= Build C= R =Race D= Dress E= Eyes F= Face G= Gait H= Hair and Gender
Include time, location, and actions observed. Do not infer or suggest intention or actions you have not directly observed.
To provide some examples of how the above guidelines work, here are a few cases that are likely to arise:
YES: You post an event at your place of worship that is open to the public and of public interest.
NO: You write a post advocating directly to the community for your faith or belief system.
YES: You post an invitation to the community to an event where the public is invited to meet with politicians or community leaders.
NO: You make a post directly advocating or arguing for a particular social, political, or religious belief or interest of yours.